1. By making a purchase, whether bulk or single, through our website, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
  2. All purchases are subject to availability, and we reserve the right to cancel orders or refuse service for any reason.
  3. Prices for bulk purchases may vary and are subject to negotiation. Please contact us directly for bulk pricing inquiries.
  4. For single purchases, prices are subject to change without notice. Additionally, feel free to contact us for sample orders or single-piece orders.
  5. Payment terms for bulk purchases will be agreed upon prior to the transaction and may require a deposit or full payment in advance.
  6. Returns and refunds for bulk purchases are subject to our return policy and may incur restocking fees or other charges.
  7. We are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from bulk or single purchases, including but not limited to shipping delays, product defects, or financial transactions.
  8. Your use of our website and services constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.